Saturday, October 28, 2006


Originally uploaded by catinlap.

I usually carve a scary pumpkin, but something funny like Butters from South Park sounded good, too.

Halloween fun

Halloween fun
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

triple cute.


Originally uploaded by catinlap.

Another 'Form of Rocket' pic. I have a bunch that I like, so instead of uploading them all at once, I'll just do one every once in a while.

Great shirt, Babe!

Great shirt, Babe!
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

I love her Lander Bar shirt.

Monday, October 16, 2006

nice hat

nice hat
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

So, a couple of weekends ago it was the Croin's big 3-0, and I forgot to add the pictures to my blog. We went to Port-o-call on Friday, the spa at Snowbird with Oktoberfest still going on Saturday, and then had our Wilhelm Invitational Disc Golf Compotition at Solitude on Sunday. It was a fun, event-filled weekend!
Happy B-day, Croin!

The crew that made it

The crew that made it
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

Our own disc golf championship at Solitude. This was the last weekend for the lift, so it may be our last time this year. The competition was close; i think it was a difference of three between the 1st and 3rd place.


Originally uploaded by catinlap.

What better way to spend your birthday than at a spa with Oktoberfest right next door!

white people

white people
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

My favorite of the crowd shots I took.
(best viewed large)


Originally uploaded by catinlap.

gotta love the reflection shots.

Monday, October 02, 2006

"He's been taken up!"

"He's been taken up!"
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

So, there's only one weekend of lift accessed disc golf fun at the Solitude resort left. TheOrris and i flew through this course today; a record breaking 3 hours! Hopefully swampcrotch can make it up next year; or I'd like to check out the Arizona courses.

Thorris on the eighth hole

Thorris on the eighth hole
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

fallen leaves

fallen leaves
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

Those snow storms may have disrupted the fall season, but there is still some georgous colors up there.

"Damn,, this is a tight spot!"

"Damn,, this is a tight spot!"
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

Theorris on one of our favorite holes at the Solitude course last weekend.

Looking back to the forest of Doom.

Looking back to the forest of Doom.
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

or whatever the Hell we used to call this hole.


Originally uploaded by catinlap.

This is probably my fav of the leave shots.

Action shot on the 1219 ft monster!

Action shot on the 1219 ft monster!
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

I didn't notice until later that I had successfully captured TheOrris' disc in mid flight.

TheOrris' Golden Hairy Aster

TheOrris' Golden Hairy Aster
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

(That's what he claims this plant is. It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?)

'God's Lawnmower'

'God's Lawnmower'
Originally uploaded by catinlap.

This slide path is really called that!