Heineken green
Heineken green
Originally uploaded by catinlap.
Looking through the bottle. Too bad I can't get sharper focus on the bubbles! No effects or manupulation.
Looking through the bottle. Too bad I can't get sharper focus on the bubbles! No effects or manupulation.
My cat sitting in a weird position. Look at his legs!
Frank Black playing a solo show at the local 'Urban Lounge'. Cool show; way mellower than the Pixies show last summer!
I liked how red this sign made everything. These people were standing on the seats to get a better view. I think this is the most packed I've seen the Urban.
No effects here either. Just plastic things and the mountains behind.
looking up through the top of the Crater. The Crater is this straqnge dome in the middle of nowhere that you can look in through the top, and then walk through a tunnel in the side to swim, scuba dive, or soak in the 98 degree mineral waters. Cool place!
Bouys for scuba diving. I don't know if I could do that. It kind-of creeps me out.
I knew this park was here, but this was my first time down in here. Damn cool! This main trail branched of into multiple trails all around the creek. And it's an easy biking distance away!
I hate to admit that this is my first time on my bike this summer. I'm lame.
One of the trails from while riding. Taking pictures from a bike is not easy!
This bridge was so cool. It reminded me of the Northwest.
There was this crazy moto bike run in the middle of the park. Bank turns and gap jumps everywhere!
I wish I would've kept the peak in the background here. Oh, well. I like how intrusive the flower is.