Wednesday, November 23, 2005

neat. (click) Posted by Picasa

Workin' in the windows. you best not be clastrophobic to work around these trees in here. Posted by Picasa

Mmraow? Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 07, 2005

Happy Halloween 05'! We only made it to two of a number of parties, but it was a good time non the less. In our crew we had Hulk Hogan, Macho man Randy Savage, Super Horney, The Periodic table, and I was Claus' brother Hans from Team Zissou. I think the Hulk stole the show. Posted by Picasa

The Hlk takes a whack at the clown as the Periodic Table tries to protect. Posted by Picasa

The poor girl got cornered by 'Super Horny!' Posted by Picasa

The best costumes goes to the man of the house! Three cheers, Master Shake! Posted by Picasa

The Mach and man eaten by shark. Good times, good times. Posted by Picasa

Team Zissou takes on the clown. Posted by Picasa

Yeah, i got that clown good. Posted by Picasa

Cheers, Oscar! Posted by Picasa

Ahhh! the Birds are attacking! Posted by Picasa

"So, Mach... can I call ya Mach?" Posted by Picasa

macho man has found himself a damsel! Posted by Picasa